LaTeX in Freeplane

From Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software
Revision as of 16:31, 23 November 2012 by Fnatter (talk | contribs) (LaTeX Formulae in Freeplane 1.2.x)

Freeplane 1.2.x supports LaTeX formulae in boxes underneath nodes while Freeplane 1.3.x deprecates those boxes and adds LaTeX directly to node contents. Please see the relevant subsections below.

LaTeX Formulae in Freeplane 1.2.x

This type of LaTeX formulae in Freeplane is deprecated in Freeplane 1.3.x (the formula boxes will still be displayed and edited but you can't add new boxes)! Please see the 1.3.x section below if you're using Freeplane >= 1.3.x.

  • you can add a LaTeX formula to a node by running Edit->Node Extensions->Add LaTeX formula...
  • you can edit a LaTeX formula related to a node by running Edit->Node Extensions->Edit LaTeX formula...
  • you can remove a LaTeX formula by selecting Edit->Node Extensions->Remove LaTeX formula OR by using Edit->Node Extensions->Edit LaTeX formula... and specifying an empty text.
  • by default the LaTeX interpreter is in math mode
  • does not support automatic linebreaks



LaTeX Text+Formulae in Freeplane >= 1.3.x

NOTE: This feature has not yet been included in a 1.3.x release.

  • You can tell Freeplane to treat a node as LaTeX text by either:
    • using a "\latex " prefix
    • View->Properties panel, then Core text->Format->LaTeX
  • by default the LaTeX interpreter is in text mode, so you need to use $...$ for (inline) formulae


 \latex my formula: $x_2=\frac{1}{2}$

Please give us feedback on the 1.3.x solution:

  • How do you like the ways to treat a node as LaTeX?
  • What do you think about the way we deprecate the 1.2.x formulae?