Scripting API

From Freeplane - free mind mapping and knowledge management software
Revision as of 20:17, 15 December 2009 by DimitryPolivaev (talk | contribs)

Each script is given two variables:

<groovy> final Proxy.Node node; final Proxy.Controller c; </groovy>

with the interfaces defined as follows:

<groovy> package org.freeplane.plugin.script.proxy;

import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List;

import org.freeplane.features.common.edge.EdgeStyle; import;

public interface Proxy { /** simplistic interface for unique keys */ interface Attributes { String get(String key);

boolean remove(String key); // returns true on success

void set(String key, String value); }

interface Connector { Color getColor();

ArrowType getEndArrow();

String getMiddleLabel();

Node getSource();

String getSourceLabel();

ArrowType getStartArrow();

Node getTarget();

String getTargetLabel();

void setColor(Color color);

void setEndArrow(ArrowType arrowType);

void setMiddleLabel(String label);

void setSimulatesEdge(boolean simulatesEdge);

void setSourceLabel(String label);

void setStartArrow(ArrowType arrowType);

void setTargetLabel(String label);

boolean simulatesEdge(); }

interface Controller { void centerOnNode(Node center);

Node getSelected();

List<Node> getSelecteds();

/** returns List<Node> of Node objects sorted on Y * @param differentSubtrees true if only parent nodes of subtrees should be returned*/ List<Node> getSortedSelection(boolean differentSubtrees);

void select(Node toSelect);

/** selects branchRoot and all children */ void selectBranch(Node branchRoot);

/** toSelect is a List<Node> of Node objects */ void selectMultipleNodes(java.util.List<Node> toSelect);

/** reset undo / redo lists and deactivate Undo for current script */ void deactivateUndo(); }

interface Edge { Color getColor();

EdgeStyle getType();

int getWidth();

void setColor(Color color);

void setType(EdgeStyle type);

/** can be -1 for default, 0 for thin, >0 */ void setWidth(int width); }

interface ExternalObject { /** empty string means that there's no external object */ String getURI();

float getZoom();

/** setting empty String uri means remove external object (as for Links); */ void setURI(String uri);

void setZoom(float zoom); }

interface Font { String getName();

int getSize();

boolean isBold();

boolean isBoldSet();

boolean isItalic();

boolean isItalicSet();

boolean isNameSet();

boolean isSizeSet();

void resetBold();

void resetItalic();

void resetName();

void resetSize();

void setBold(boolean bold);

void setItalic(boolean italic);

void setName(String name);

void setSize(int size); }

interface Icons { void addIcon(String name);

/** returns List<Node> of Strings (corresponding to iconID above); iconID is one of "Idea","Question","Important", etc. */ java.util.List<String> getIcons();

/** deletes first occurence of icon with name iconID, returns true if success (icon existed); */ boolean removeIcon(String iconID); }

interface Link { String get();

boolean set(String target); // empty String means remove link (as in // user interface); }

interface Node { Connector addConnectorTo(Node target);

/** adds a new Connector object to List<Node> connectors and returns reference for optional further editing (style);; also enlists the Connector on the target Node object */ Connector addConnectorTo(String targetNodeID);

/** inserts *new* node as child, takes care of all construction work and internal stuff inserts as last child */ Node createChild();

/** inserts *new* node as child, takes care of all construction work and internal stuff */ Node createChild(int position);

void delete();

Attributes getAttributes();

int getChildPosition(Node childNode);

List<Node> getChildren();

Collection<Connector> getConnectorsIn();

Collection<Connector> getConnectorsOut();

ExternalObject getExternalObject();

Icons getIcons();

Link getLink();

String getNodeID();

int getNodeLevel(boolean countHidden);

String getNoteText();

Node getParentNode();

String getPlainTextContent();

Node getRootNode();

NodeStyle getStyle();

String getText();

boolean isDescendantOf(Node p);

boolean isFolded();

boolean isLeaf();

boolean isLeft();

boolean isRoot();

boolean isVisible();

/** removes connector from List<Node> connectors; does the corresponding on the target Node object referenced by connectorToBeRemoved */ void moveTo(Node parentNode);

void moveTo(Node parentNode, int position);

/** as above, using String nodeID instead of Node object to establish the connector*/ void removeConnector(Connector connectorToBeRemoved);

void setFolded(boolean folded);

void setNoteText(String text);

void setText(String text); }

interface NodeStyle { void applyPattern(String patternName);

Color getBackgroundColor();

Edge getEdge();

Font getFont();

Color getNodeTextColor();

void setBackgroundColor(Color color);

void setNodeTextColor(Color color); } }
