Interface Attributes

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public interface Attributes extends AttributesRO
Node's attribute table: node.attributes - read-write.

Notes on attribute setters:

  • All setter methods try to convert strings to dates, numbers or URIs.
  • All setter methods apply a default formatting (for display) of the value for dates and numbers.
  • Attributes don't have style properties so the value objects must know about the right formatting for themselves.
  • To enforce a certain formatting use format():
    node['creationDate'] = format(new Date(), 'MM/yyyy')


   // == text
   node["attribute name"] = "a value"
   assert node["attribute name"].text == "a value"
   assert node.attributes.getFirst("attribute name") == "a value" // the same

   // == numbers and others
   // converts numbers and other stuff with toString()
   node["a number"] = 1.2
   assert node["a number"].text == "1.2"
   assert node["a number"].num == 1.2d

     *   // == dates
   def date = new Date()
   node["a date"] = date
   assert node["a date"].object.getClass().simpleName == "FormattedDate"
   assert node["a date"].date == format(date)

   // == enforce formats on attribute values
   node["another date"] = format(date, 'yyyy|MM|dd')
   assert node["another date"].date == format(date, 'yyyy|MM|dd')

   // change the date while keeping the silly format
   def index = node.attributes.findAttribute("another date")
   node.attributes.set(index, new Date(0L))

   // == URIs
   def uri = new URI("")
   node["uri"] = uri
   assert node["uri"].object.getClass().simpleName == "URI"
   assert node["uri"].object == uri

   // == remove an attribute
   node["removed attribute"] = "to be removed"
   assert node["removed attribute"] == "to be removed"
   node["removed attribute"] = null
   assert node.attributes.findFirst("removed attribute") == -1
  • Method Details

    • set

      void set(int index, Object value)
      sets the value of the attribute at an index. This method will not create new attributes.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is out of range, i. e. index < 0 || index >= size().
    • set

      void set(int index, String name, Object value)
      sets name and value of the attribute at the given index. This method will not create new attributes.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is out of range, i. e. index < 0 || index >= size().
    • set

      void set(int index, String name, Object value, String format)
      sets name, value and format pattern of the attribute at the given index. This method will not create new attributes.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is out of range, i. e. index < 0 || index >= size().
    • setFormat

      void setFormat(int index, String format)
      sets format pattern to the attribute at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is out of range, i. e. index < 0 || index >= size().
    • remove

      @Deprecated boolean remove(String name)
      before 1.1 - use remove(int) or removeAll(String) instead.
      removes the first attribute with this name.
      true on removal of an existing attribute and false otherwise.
    • removeAll

      boolean removeAll(String name)
      removes all attributes with this name.
      true on removal of an existing attribute and false otherwise.
    • remove

      void remove(int index)
      removes the attribute at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is out of range, i. e. index < 0 || index >= size().
    • set

      void set(String name, Object value)
      adds an attribute if there is no attribute with the given name or changes the value of the first attribute with the given name.
    • add

      void add(String name, Object value)
      adds an attribute no matter if an attribute with the given name already exists.
    • add

      void add(String name, Object value, String format)
      adds an attribute with formatting pattern no matter if an attribute with the given name already exists.
    • clear

      void clear()
      removes all attributes.
    • iterator

      allows application of Groovy collection methods like each(), collect(), ...
         def keyList = node.attributes.collect { it.key }
         def values = node.attributes.collect { it.value }
         node.attributes.each {
             if (it.key =~ /.*day/)
                 it.value += ' days'
    • stream

      default Stream<Map.Entry<String,Object>> stream()
      Returns stream of attributes represented by map entries.
      See Also:
    • optimizeWidths

      void optimizeWidths()
      optimize widths of attribute view columns according to contents.